TOUTREVIENT since 2014


  • To protect your footwear well, we recommend the following:
  •  Do not wet the product
  • Do not wash it in the washing machine
  • Clean it with a dry or slightly damp cloth; do not use any product with abrasive elements.
  • In the event that any liquid is spilled on the product, wipe it dry immediately with a clean cloth, do not rub it.
  • We recommend, in the case of footwear, to place colorless waxes to protect the leather.
  • Footwear with a base made of wood or aluminum foil deserves greater care; We suggest that you avoid contact with water.
  • All products that have appliques, stones, studs, etc., are very delicate; prevents them from getting caught or hit.


Suede leathers:

  • Leather with suede finishes deserve special treatment
  • Clean with a semi-soft bristle brush or with 0.0 extra fine sandpaper; You can also clean with a white eraser.
  • We recommend that before using the product you protect it with a special spray for suede.
  •  Avoid rubbing with garments that tend to lose color (eg Jean), as they can spoil your product.


Patent leather:

  • It is sensitive to scratches.
  •  By having a shiny and polished surface, the natural wrinkles of use will be more visible.
  • Clean with a dry or slightly damp cloth.